Love Newspage? Help us to grow even faster and make money at the same time — by joining the ‘Newspage Pals’ programme.

Newspage is now ready to scale. But rather than spend a load of dosh on adverts, we’d rather reward our fantastic Newspage community for spreading the word and helping us to grow. So to cut to the chase…

Newspage Pals will receive £5 for each new Newspager they sign up.

To become a Newspage Pal, the criteria are pretty simple:

  • – You need to be a Newspager yourself
  • – You need to like (or better still, love) Newspage
  • – You’re dead keen to help your pals get great media coverage, too

How does it work?

To join the Newspage Pals programme, all you need to do is email with your company or charity name in the subject field. Or message us on social media if that’s easier.

We’ll then send you a unique discount code. This code will give the businesses and charities you introduce to Newspage THREE MONTHS of FREE Newspage Premium.

And if the company or charity you introduce decides to downgrade to our free package after three months, no worries at all, you still get your fiver.

On the last working day of each calendar month, we’ll pay the cash straight into your bank account (we’ll ask you for your bank account details separately). So if, in the course of one calendar month, you get 10 new Newspagers to sign up using your unique discount code, you’ll get a nifty (£50) for your troubles.

Ps. We originally thought of calling Newspage Pals ‘Newspage Ambassadors’, but then the word Ambassador is naff and brings to mind crap, over-priced chocolates (and terrible adverts) from the eighties.

The small print: The Newspage Pals programme will initially run until the end of September. Newspage has the right to cancel the programme at any time, e.g. we get 10k new Newspagers in a week and are looking at shelling out fifty large! If you’re a bit dodgy (this is the interweb after all) and try and get 1000 pretend people to sign up, we ain’t paying. End of.